F. Wiesel develops a science fiction narrative about the women of the past and their possible futures. Rosa Luxemburg, Ada Lovelace and Florence Nightingale encounter an instrument with which they can rearrange historiography, repeat the past and undo what has taken place.
An evening about the possibility of another world.
In the struggle for a fairer historiography, the avatars of historical female figures ask about a world that would have been possible or still can be. They reconstruct the past, search for the origins of current conditions. Where should humanity turn differently? Which decision can be reconsidered?
Negotiated with music, video and figures LUXEMBURG solutions for a possible future and constructs a vehicle to move differently through time to pacify systems. The audience becomes part of the scene and starts to plan: equipped with cameras, instruments and experimental material, we set out together and show, 100 years after Rosa Luxemburg's assassination, a view of the year 2222, the end of the Anthropocene.
The year in which Europe will flee from the ice.
And if all this makes sense in the theater, at least for one evening, can some of it get out?
« A blackout, a loss of signal. Something happened.
But what actually? And how long have we been away? The entire world population is there and no one knows what has taken place in the last ten years.
A collective amnesia.
Nothing took place.
The calendars and the clocks seem to have made a mistake.It happened before: once before: No recordings or entries can be found for a day in the summer of 1993. No gauge that proves anything, no system registering by any means these 24 hours took place.
The weekend was normal. On Friday, a patent is registered.
On Saturday, a new government is elected. A bird goes extinct.
On Sunday, a pianist is born. Monday the stock exchange opens.
Stock prices rise. A train derails and a shipment of trash arrives in Africa.
On Tuesday, a queen gets married and a theme park opens.
On Thursday, the first intercontinental flight arrives in Lithuania.Friday the Olympics end.
Wednesday. Wednesday is simply missing. There is nothing. Nobody knows anything.
There is no newspaper on Thursday morning reporting the events of the previous day. The long throw competition is not recorded anywhere.
The stock quotes are sitting out - the lines remain straight.
No interference, no irregularity.Wednesday did not take place.
F. Wiesel. Prologue for Luxemburg
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Thursday, Friday.
There was no Wednesday. No one can testify there really was a Wednesday. The seventh century is entirely missing. »
von und mit Ana Berkenhoff, Hanke Wilsmann, Jost von Harleßem
Mitarbeit Kostüm Hannah von Eiff
Mitarbeit Musik Philip Albus
Produktionsleitung Heidrun Schlegel
Fotos Jörg Baumann
Preview am 18./19./20.11. 2023, Open Studios, Atelierfrankfurt
Premiere 17./18./19. Februar 2023, Landungsbrücken Frankfurt
A production by F. Wiesel
Sponsored by: Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt, Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst
«Einmal Tabula Rasa machen. Für die Vorstellungskraft. Einmal alles auf Anfang setzen, einen Ort erfinden, irgendwo hinter der Zukunft. So spricht und verspricht es die Performerin Ana Berkenhoff am Anfang von „Luxemburg“ – und er klingt verlockend, der Neuanfang in diesen Endspiel-haften Zeiten, in denen wir händeringend nach neuen Erzählungen suchen, nach neuen Geschichten. […] Berkenhoff, von Harleßem und Wilsmann tupfen ihre Science-Fiction-Erzählung mit hoher Leichtigkeit und ebensolcher Dichte in den Raum. Puppenspiel, die vielteilige, detailverliebte Bühnenmaschinerie und Filmtricktechnik lassen einen Lebensraum entstehen […]Was bleibt, ist, mit F. Wiesel diese Geschichte/n in ihren poetischen, assoziativen Multimedia-Collagen anders zu erzählen, gegen den Strich und gegen den Strom, um die Potenziale jener Leerstellen und Brüche auszumachen, die sich in dieser Lesart ergeben. Und „Luxemburg“ gibt einen beglückenden Vorgeschmack darauf.»
Esther Boldt, Fidena.de / 24.02.2023
Figure: "Historical photo of Rosa Luxemburg using her Marx Book Pro to hack the space-time continuum." created with OpenAI DALL·E 2